Convento de San Francisco’s beautiful secrets

We rode in taxis from Miraflores to downtown and were dropped of at the Lima Convento de San Francisco. A beautiful old church, which we explored the inside of and underneath. Underneath the church rests over 25,000 human remains of the catholic community from that time before the first public cemetery was built.

Beautiful, old cathedral enveloped my first view.

Beautiful, old cathedral enveloped my first view.

Not only was the church very beautiful but the peruvian people surrounding it. Children would run around chasing the pigeons away only for them to fly right back again for the children to chase them some more.

This adorable little girl was chasing and feeding the pigeons.

This adorable little girl was chasing and feeding the pigeons.

The cathedral was very beautiful but held many secrets inside that we were not allowed to photograph. Upon entering we were told, “no photos, no video, no exceptions.” But I was able to sneak a few, though not very good photos they at least give you a glimpse of the inside!

The beautiful courtyard in the middle of the cathedral. (Shh it’s a secret!)

The cathedral was filled with hidden rooms, beautiful hand painted tiles that took 19 years to do, an old library with hundreds of years old books, high and intricate ceilings. Everything was done with such detail and care.

Intricately done ceiling in the secret cathedral.

The catacombs were beautifully disturbing. I didn’t feel that it was appropriate to photograph down there though I was very moved. The ceilings were low and you were surrounded by walls of dirt. Everywhere you looked there were bones to be seen. It felt partially wrong for us to be observing people in their final resting place. All that was left to see was bones but they were everywhere and of all different parts of the body. It’s like when you know that you shouldn’t look because it’s wrong, but you can’t stop watching.

Once we left the catacombs we entered the church part of the tour. Here we were finally allowed to photograph.

Floor view of the front of the church.

The beautiful ceiling inside of the church.

Overall the tour was both beautiful and slightly disturbing. I immediately washed my face after leaving the catacombs feeling like I had taken some of those people that were down there with me. The peruvian people tend to leave me slightly stunned by the beauty.

A local woman sitting outside in front of the church.

A local woman sitting outside in front of the church.

Floor view of the front of the church.

Floor view of the front of the church.